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Stacks Connect

Stacks Connect is a frontend library that allows developers to build Stacks-ready web applications. Kickstart your next project with Stacks Connect templates with React, Vue, and more → Stacks.js Starters


  • 📸 Prompt a user to sign transactions with their Stacks wallet
  • 🛂 Provide the web-app with the user's Stacks and Bitcoin addresses

Getting Started with Stacks Connect

1. Add the dependency

Add the @stacks/connect dependency to your project using your favorite package manager. Some options below

npm install @stacks/connect
pnpm install @stacks/connect
yarn add @stacks/connect

2. Creating AppConfig and UserSession

Add a reusable UserSession instance to your project. This will allow your website to store authentication state in localStorage.

/* ./userSession.js */
import { AppConfig, UserSession } from '@stacks/connect';

const appConfig = new AppConfig(['store_write', 'publish_data']);
export const userSession = new UserSession({ appConfig }); // we will use this export from other files

3. Interacting with the wallet

"Connect" aka authentication (showConnect)

Connecting the wallet is a very simple form of authentication. This process gives the web-app information about a wallet account (selected by the user).

The snippet below lets your web-app trigger the wallet to open and authenticate an account. If no wallet is installed, an informational modal will be displayed in the web-app.

import { showConnect } from '@stacks/connect';
import { userSession } from './userSession';

const myAppName = 'My Stacks Web-App'; // shown in wallet pop-up
const myAppIcon = window.location.origin + '/my_logo.png'; // shown in wallet pop-up

userSession, // `userSession` from previous step, to access storage
appDetails: {
name: myAppName,
icon: myAppIcon,
onFinish: () => {
window.location.reload(); // WHEN user confirms pop-up
onCancel: () => {
console.log('oops'); // WHEN user cancels/closes pop-up

Sending STX (openSTXTransfer)

Sending STX tokens is also possible through web-apps interacting with a user's wallet.

The snippet below will open the wallet to confirm and broadcast a smart-contract transaction. Here, we are sending 10000 micro-STX tokens to a recipient address.

import { openSTXTransfer } from '@stacks/connect';
import { StacksTestnet } from '@stacks/network';
import { AnchorMode, PostConditionMode } from '@stacks/transactions';
import { userSession } from './userSession';

network: new StacksTestnet(), // which network to use; use `new StacksMainnet()` for mainnet
anchorMode: AnchorMode.Any, // which type of block the tx should be mined in

recipient: 'ST39MJ145BR6S8C315AG2BD61SJ16E208P1FDK3AK', // which address we are sending to
amount: 10000, // tokens, denominated in micro-STX
memo: 'Nr. 1337', // optional; a memo to help identify the tx

onFinish: response => {
// WHEN user confirms pop-up
console.log(response.txid); // the response includes the txid of the transaction
onCancel: () => {
// WHEN user cancels/closes pop-up
console.log('User canceled');

Calling Smart-Contracts (openContractCall)

Calling smart-contracts lets users interact with the blockchain through transactions.

The snippet below will open the wallet to confirm and broadcast a smart-contract transaction. Here, we are passing our pick Alice to an imaginary deployed voting smart-contract.

import { openContractCall } from '@stacks/connect';
import { StacksTestnet } from '@stacks/network';
import { AnchorMode, PostConditionMode, stringUtf8CV } from '@stacks/transactions';
import { userSession } from './userSession';

const pick = stringUtf8CV('Alice');

network: new StacksTestnet(),
anchorMode: AnchorMode.Any, // which type of block the tx should be mined in

contractAddress: 'ST39MJ145BR6S8C315AG2BD61SJ16E208P1FDK3AK',
contractName: 'example-contract',
functionName: 'vote',
functionArgs: [pick],

postConditionMode: PostConditionMode.Deny, // whether the tx should fail when unexpected assets are transferred
postConditions: [], // for an example using post-conditions, see next example

onFinish: response => {
// WHEN user confirms pop-up
onCancel: () => {
// WHEN user cancels/closes pop-up

Sending transactions with post-conditions (openContractCall)

Consider the example above. Using post-conditions, a feature of the Stacks blockchain, we can ensure something happened after a transaction. Here, we could ensure that the recipient indeed receives a certain amount of STX.

import {
} from '@stacks/transactions';

// this post-condition ensures that our recipient receives at least 5000 STX tokens
const myPostCondition = makeStandardSTXPostCondition(
'ST39MJ145BR6S8C315AG2BD61SJ16E208P1FDK3AK', // address of recipient
FungibleConditionCode.GreaterEqual, // comparator
5000000000 // relative amount to previous balance (denoted in micro-STX)

// passing to `openContractCall` options, e.g. modifying our previous example ...
postConditionMode: PostConditionMode.Deny, // whether the tx should fail when unexpected assets are transferred
postConditions: [ myPostCondition ],
// ...

For more examples on constructing different kinds of post-conditions read the Post-Conditions Guide of Stacks.js.

Post-Condition Modes

If post-conditions postConditions: [ ... ] are specified, they will ALWAYS be checked by blockchain nodes. If ANY conditions fails, the transaction will fail.

The Post-Condition Mode only relates to transfers of assets, which were not specified in the postConditions.

  • PostConditionMode.Deny will fail the transaction if any unspecified assets are transferred
  • PostConditionMode.Allow will allow unspecified assets to be transferred
  • In both cases, all postConditions will be checked